The Three Robes

Out of Jacob’s twelve sons, Joseph was his favorite. To show his favoritism, Jacob made a special robe of many colors for him. And Joseph waltzed around in his robe which made his brothers jealous and angry toward him. Joseph who was clueless about all this hatred added more to it by bringing bad reports about them to Jacob. This made the brothers even more furious and they no longer spoke kindly to him.

One day, Joseph saw a dream and he couldn’t keep it to himself so he shared it with his brothers. In his dream, they were all binding sheaves of grain in the field. Suddenly Joseph’s sheaf rose and stood upright while his brothers’ sheaves gathered around his sheaf. Hearing this, the brothers snapped at him asking if he would rule over them. Another day, Joseph saw a dream again. This time he shared it with his father and his brothers. In his dream, he saw that the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to him. This annoyed his father as well and he rebuked him for his dream.

Jacob’s sons went to graze their sheep in a distant place. Jacob sent Joseph to visit them and see if they were doing well. As Jacob reached the place where his brothers were, they recognized him from a distance in his special robe. They grew furious and plotted to kill him and throw him into one of the pits. But Reuben, the oldest brother, suggested throwing him into the pit, in the plan to let him escape later. So they stripped Jacob from his special robe and threw him into the pit.

As they saw Ishmaelite merchants heading to Egypt, they decided to sell Joseph and make a profit out of him. The Ishmaelite merchants sold Joseph to Potiphar who was the captain of Pharoah’s palace guard. Meanwhile, Joseph’s brothers dipped his robe in a goat’s blood and sent it to their father and made him believe that Joseph got killed by wild animals which left Jacob to mourn in sackcloth.

The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered and he lived in the house of Potiphar. God gave success in everything Joseph did and he was made in charge of Potiphar’s household. Joseph was a well-built and handsome young man. Potiphar’s wife approached Joseph with wrong intentions to which Joseph wouldn’t yield. One day, as she bothered him again, he asked her, “How can I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?“. She caught him by his robe but Joseph left his robe in her hands and ran outside. Potiphar’s wife used that robe to cook up a story against Joseph and he was thrown in the prison.

The LORD was with Joseph in the prison and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. So Joseph was put in charge of all those held in the prison. A while later, Pharoah’s cupbearer and baker were put in the same prison. One day, they both looked down in spirit and so Joseph inquired them. They both shared a dream they saw and they could not understand the meaning. Joseph instantly interpreted the meaning to them which happened exactly as he interpreted. On the third day, the baker was impaled to death while the cupbearer was sent back to the palace. Joseph asked the cupbearer to put in a good word about him to the King so that he can be freed from prison. But the cupbearer forgot all about Joseph.

Two years went by. Joseph was still in the prison. One day, King Pharaoh was very troubled as he saw two dreams, one after the other and he could not understand what they meant. As he sent for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt to interpret the dreams for him, no one could. Then the cupbearer remembered Joseph in the prison and informed the King. The King sent for Joseph to be brought before him. Immediately, the officials got Joseph ready to go before the King and they put on new clothes and a grand robe on him. Joseph interpreted the King’s dreams by giving glory to God Almighty who is the source of all wisdom and hidden mysteries. The King put Joseph in charge of the whole of Egypt and took his signet ring and had him ride in a chariot as his second-in-command.

Joseph was stripped from his first robe, he let go of his second robe and he was raised to honor with the third robe.

Psalm 105:19 Until the time that His word came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are called according to His purpose.

1 Peter 5:6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.

Trust Him and rest on Him. He knows what He is doing! Amen.


Handmaid of the Lord

As I sat at the watch-night service at church, pushing all my prayer requests to God to use me in more and more ways in 2023, (surprisingly I didn’t have any other requests than being used by God ) and I remembered something God had answered in 2022. In 2021, after amma went to be with the Lord, things were really difficult with dad. While juggling all of that, I had a deep desire up to the point of obligation that I wanted to use all the talents that God has given me for His Kingdom’s work. I started to even fret that if I don’t use my talents, God was going to ask me when I stand before Him. I started to earnestly pray for open doors. And my gracious God did open doors for me in 2022 in such a way that I was able to raise a big amount this year. I have contributed more than what I raised for Missions. If I had $40 at a time, I would add $10 and make it $50 and contribute.

The missions God graciously enabled me to support this year through my contributions are

  • Calvary Missions
  • Calvary Mission – Rwanda eye surgery camps
    • Open doors USA – to distribute bibles in persecuted places
      • Compassion – malnourished kids
        • GEMS India
        • Homeless people in our areas
        • Elohim gospel ministries
          • Wayside shelter

    I am just filled with gratitude towards God as He honored the desire of my heart and opened doors for me and gave me a purpose. My prayer is that God will make me into a vessel that will be useful for His Kingdom in many ways and not just one or two ways.

    Also, God who is not a debtor to anyone provided me with the finances ahead of time to be able to cover the costs of the inventory. I was stuck in my job with no raise or promotion for 10 years. Last year God miraculously gave me a promotion and raise and so I didn’t have to worry about the expenses. Isn’t God awesome? Glorify our God with me.

    Isaiah 41:9 You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest regions, and said to you, ‘you are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away’.


    Holiness – MANDATORY 

    1 Thessalonians 4:7 God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. 

    When my younger son was two months old, we took him out to the mall for the first time on a Black Friday. That night, he had a very high fever and we rushed him to the emergency. The doctors wanted to rule out the possibility of any infection and so wanted to do a spinal fluid tap. They suggested that I wait with my older son outside as it would be hard to watch the procedure. As I stood in the hallway with my older son, I cried out to God. As I stood there crying out, a thought kept coming again and again. That was about me listening to movie songs during that time. As my younger son would cry every time I kept him in the car seat to drive to my older son’s school, I started to listen to movie songs to help me focus on driving and not be distracted by his crying. I realized that listening to secular movie songs is a downward spiral. It makes us more and more addicted to listening to it and it corrupts our minds and thoughts. As I felt like it was God convicting me of this new habit, I cried out to God to forgive me and not punish my son for my mistake and that I will not listen to movie songs any longer. By God’s amazing grace, my son did not have any infection. When the results of the spine fluid came, it was ruled out as fever due to being in a crowded place.

    By God’s grace, I kept my promise for close to a decade by not listening to movie songs. Down the line, my promise from the emergency room turned lukewarm and I would listen to these songs occasionally at work while juggling multitasking. I soon noticed a pattern whenever I started to listen to these songs, I would land on a problem from which only God could save me and I started to understand that maybe that was God’s way of reminding me of my promise. Soon after this decision, by God’s grace, I became part of the worship team in our Indian church. From then on, I had set my mind that I will neither listen to nor sing secular movie songs with the same mouth with which I would sing worship songs. James 3:11 Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? By the strength God gave me, I never wavered from that decision. Though I wasn’t striving to do holy living during those days, this decision had been a starting point. Eventually, God honored that stand and turned around my life and gave me the desire to live in a way that pleases Him, to strive to live a holy life, and not to ignorantly please my fleshly desires. 

    1 Thessalonians 4:3 God’s will is for you to be holy.

    Though many would justify secular songs by saying that it is “just music”, it is not “just music” As we know that Satan was an angel in heaven who was the highest worship leader and fell to his doom due to pride, he knows how to use music to corrupt human minds. I have felt the addiction that secular music brings to our minds. Though while listening, it would feel so entertaining, it does no good to our soul. It simply gives a temporary pleasure while getting us all tangled in this downward spiral. On the other hand, Christian hymns and pure worship songs that praise and glorify God brings so much peace and joy that is unexplainable regardless of what heavy burdens we go through. Devil is so cunning that he infiltrates even the worship songs these days. We ought to be careful about being carried away simply by the tunes and the words of worship music also and carefully analyze if it truly brings worship to God or it exalts oneself. 

    1 Corinthians 6:15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! 19. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? 

    As believers in Christ, we are called to strive to live a life that reflects the holiness of Jesus. Even though we cannot attain holiness in our own strength and ability, Jesus should be at least able to see that we are striving hard to live holy and thus He would help us to live holy. 

    Galatians 5:16 Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. 17. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires.

    We are naturally drawn to the music of the world. But we are having to discipline ourselves to listen and sing only His worship for the same reason as above. Our Christian walk is like a glass of pure milk. Every worldly thing that we allow into us is like a drop of poison added to the milk. If the poison itself is white in color, the milk would still look white, but would we drink it?

    Jesus was able to boldly say that the devil had nothing in Him because He did not allow anything of the world to be found in Him. In the same way, may we not give any room for anything that belongs to the devil. There is no middle ground. It belongs either to God or the devil. In everything that we do, may we carefully check if it belongs to God or the devil? Like Daniel, may we set it in our hearts that we will do only what honors God! AMEN!


    Fishy Expedition

    After taking a break from doing any gardening or outdoor activities for the past two years, I felt very eager to get back to it. That included keeping fish in a barrel with a lily plant. Though I was going to be out of town for more than 20 days, I still went ahead and bought the lily plant and 3 goldfish. The goldfish is cheap to buy, just around 30 cents each and so their life seemed so worthless as if it didn’t matter even if they died. I fed them every day till I left on my trips.

    I had no hope that they would survive till I got back home as I was going to be away for almost a month. When I came back, I continued to feed for a couple of days but I did not see any signs of these fish in the water. They never came to the top of the barrel. The water was murky and with algae and so it was impossible to see them. So I believed that they all had died and hence stopped feeding them. Though I had no reason to believe that they were alive, I kept saying a small prayer that they would come to the top so I could see them. And one day, they did come to the top as if a miracle. I saw just two of them. I felt very happy that they were alive. Now I thought the third one must have surely died. I now kept praying that one day all three would come up together. And that happened too. One rainy morning as I looked through the window, all three of the fishes were on the top. I felt incredibly happy that my small insignificant prayers were answered. From then on, I started to take better care of them.

    I noticed a few things in this. The first time we tried goldfish in clean water, they all died. But even in this dirty algae-filled water, they survived fine, and still, they didn’t lose their beautiful orange color. Even when their lives seemed worthless, God still kept them alive, just as He feeds the birds of the sky.

    Luke 12:6 Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.

    Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.”


    Handmade for a mission

    As an answer to my prayer, our church hosted an artisan fair to sell our handmade crafts.  

    By God’s grace, my booth had a great sale. As always, God came through! This opportunity itself was an answer to my prayer from last year when I asked God to give me a greater purpose. Since the day pastor announced this, I had been staying up late every night to make at least one art each day. I felt super excited and very hopeful about raising a good amount which I wanted to give entirely for the missions. God’s faithfulness is beyond what I can fathom. Every now and then, I do spend time and money at the craft store and never worried about the bills that would add up because I always enjoyed doing these handicrafts. God is not a debtor to anyone and the way He compensated me for the expenses even before I hosted the booth – one of my managers recommended me for recognition at work and I got reward points which I could redeem and I received it this week. 

    As we started to set up our booth, the disappointments started. It was windy and my idea to display the arts didn’t work. My spirit had gone completely down and I had no hope left that I could sell anything. My kids and I held hands and we prayed giving it all into God’s hands. Within 5 minutes, Kavitha stopped by at our booth and she suggested putting up the bookmarks to display which would hold up better against the wind. It worked! We quickly got a hang of how to greet the people who stopped by and start the conversation. By the end of the day, our CIC friends also stopped by and contributed generously and we finished well. 

    Some of the miracles from this event are 

    1. A missionary who is supported by Calvary and serves in Japan stopped by my booth and I felt so happy to talk to her. In my opinion, missionaries are the ones whose life holds much value before God. While this sale is being done to support missions and for a missionary to stop by – it is like a confirmation. 
    2. I had made some pieces of jewelry in the past years which I had listed on so many craft sites and they never sold. I had given up on their selling but at this fair, I sold almost every one of those. 
    3. At the end of the day, I had sold 16 pieces of art. 
    4. Today the miracles continued. After the church service, I bumped into a lady who had bought a bookmark and she started talking to me and so amazingly she started to share a couple of prayer requests. Even she kept wondering how she was saying all these things to me as we had never met before.
    5. When I was disappointed about being unable to display the arts, my husband came up with the amazing idea of displaying them in a creative way. If not for that idea, we could not have displayed the art which I had worked hard on for a month. Jayden got great compliments from a school teacher for his marketing skills.  

    The reason I wanted to support missions is that it is an easier way of storing our treasures in heaven. There are lots of parts in the world where even a small dollar amount would add up to a big amount. Life is short and eternity is forever. We tend to spend our time making our life in this world comfortable and yet not knowing how long we would be here. Rather it is wise to focus on storing our treasures in heaven to make our eternity comfortable. 


    In these shoes

    For more than 4 weeks, I had been trodding the hospital corridors in these shoes along with Indian outfits and thus screaming, “She doesn’t belong to planet India”.I went to India with the verse – Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.

    Little did I know that I was going to be walking through the fire – in these shoes.

    Same way, when I came last year for my mom’s last days, God sent me with the Word Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

    Thanking God for speaking through His Word and then keeping it without fail. Even before I left to India, the verse Psalm 125:1 came to me twice

    Psalm 125:1 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. This was the verse in my mom’s gravestone. And by March 22(the day my dad went to be with the Lord), I got this verse 5 times. And yes, it is the same verse that was put in dad’s gravestone too. This has been quite a journey for me. And God has been faithful to His Word and He is bringing me out of this fire stronger than ever. He did not allow me to be scorched or burnt but refined me as gold to serve His Kingdom purpose.

    I learnt several lessons in this journey. Standing in the gap for the souls matters preciously in God’s eyes. As it is, without having to do anything, hell fills up quickly in multitudes; Heaven, on the other hand, one soul at a time, is it not? Because the standards of heaven is too high. God got me to pray for my dad for this entire past year. Little did I know the urgency of time back then. I wouldn’t let go of my dad without making sure that he is headed to heaven. As he was in coma, I did everything possible from my side, as guided by God on what to pray, what Word to read to him, what to say in his ears to get our relationship restored from bitterness and regrets etc. I am not even exaggerating when I say that I literally was knocking on heaven’s doors for my dad. God has been so faithful. I truly believe that because God had grace for both my parents, He prepared me beforehand to lead them through those doors.

    Another lesson I learnt is the joy of finding the lost coin, the lost sheep and the lost son. As I have read these parables for years and I never understood what that joy felt like. I never could put myself in their shoes of “lost and found”. But in the end of this journey, I very well understood that joy. Because, during the first 10 days I was in India, I got just 2 hours of sleep. I would fall asleep at 9 out of exhaustion only to wake up at 11, every night. After that, it was just tossing and turning and praying for my dad, as I didn’t know if he got everything right with God and he was in coma, so I had no way of knowing. And I wouldn’t let him go without making sure and helping him in every way from my side. I truly felt what the birthing pain would be like, for the sake of a soul. I had asked God for an evidence to know if my dad made it to heaven. And God gave him a peace-filled face on the entire day of the funeral and filled my heart with peace that comes only from Him. That night also I couldn’t sleep, not because of desperation, but because of overflowing peace.

    Third lesson that I learnt is for us to point people to the saving and redeeming grace of Jesus. The Son of God made the biggest sacrifice of all – laid down His life on the cursed cross for the sake of redeeming us. If we truly say that we care about the people in our life, we should point them to Jesus and thus to heaven. The mystery of life is that we don’t have a way of knowing how much of our life is left. And this life is what decides about where we will spend eternity. As we see lives ending in front of our eyes in an instant, let us wisen up and make use of the time in hand and live a life pleasing to God so that there be no regrets when we take our last breaths.


    The Golden Scepter

    On the third day, Queen Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace. When the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she found favor in his sight, and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter. Then Esther went near and touched the top of the scepter. 

            And the king said to her, “What do you wish, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given to you— up to half the kingdom!” Queen Esther invites king and Haman for a banquet which she had prepared for Haman. At the banquet of wine the king said to Esther, “ What is your petition? It shall be given to you— up to half the kingdom!” Queen Esther invited them again for a banquet the next day. And on the second day, at the banquet of wine the king said to Esther, “ What is your petition? It shall be given to you— up to half the kingdom!” 

           Then Queen Esther answered and said, “if I have found favor in your sight, O King, and if it pleases the king, let my life be given at my petition, and my people at my request. For we have been sold, my people and I, to be destroyed, to be killed, and to be annihilated”. 

    So king asked,”Who is he, and where is he, who would dare presume in his heart to do such a thing?” And Esther said, “The adversary and enemy is this wicked Haman!”

    The king ordered for Haman to be hanged on the same gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai, Queen Esther’s uncle. 

    I love the story of Esther. In a story where God is not mentioned, He was still present in the picture. At times, when we fret wondering where God is, this story is a reminder for us that God is always a very present help for His children. Even when wicked people forget that God sees, God reminds them with a mighty and outstretched arm that He sees and He knows how to rescue His children. I imagine Esther to be a woman clothed in grace and favor. I am amazed by her wisdom and patience to wait for the right moment to place her petition. Just like Moses, even when the kingdom was offered to her, she did not put herself first and choose her own selfish protection and provision, instead she kept the priority of the protection of God’s children. 

          I often picture myself as standing in front of God Almighty With my petitions. May the good Lord always show us mercy by stretching out the scepter to us. May we not request for perishing blessings of this world but instead put His will and glory first. 


    Brevity of life

    I feel extremely saddened by the news of the passing away of a crochet Youtuber. Around 5 years back, when I was without job for couple months, I signed up for a crochet class in Joann craft store. It was a three hours session. I wanted to quit in 30 minutes as I could not keep up with the learning. By the time I got home after three hours session, I was clueless on what I learnt. I decided to check the YouTube to see if I can learn following any easy tutorials. That is when I came across this beautiful and passionate Youtuber. I loved how she did the tutorial. I followed that video and made a cap. I loved to watch so many of her videos and quickly learned to make so many patterns of caps and scarves.

    I remember her announcing about diagnosis of a rare kind of cancer. Even saw her videos of getting treatment and such. I felt extremely shocked when yesterday her husband posted in Facebook that she went to be with the Lord. Over the time, I had watched several crochet Youtubers, but about her, I knew that she was a believer of Jesus. So I felt much saddened by this news. Her husband also had posted a picture from her last days. Instantly reminded me of my mother who went to be with the Lord in February of 2021. My mother also was diagnosed with cancer and in a few months, she also had lost so much weight and by the time I got to see her, she was very thin and fragile.

    Though I do not know this lady more than through her videos, I did know that she was a believer. I just felt so deeply saddened to hear the news of her passing away. She finished her race in Christ. She is free from all the pain and sufferings of this sickness.

    Be it a loved one or be it even someone whom we don’t know personally, death is a very real happening. This life is short and this world is not our home and eternity is extremely long. Most people don’t like to think about death or talk about it, yet it is a very real thing. We see the reality of it more than ever during this pandemic. Truth, whether we like to believe or not, is that we all are running towards a finish line, aren’t we? For some, the finish line is decades away. For some, the finish line pops up right in front as least expected. For some, the finish line is so unpredictable. For some, the finish line is just a matter of any time. One thing common is that we are all running towards a finish line after which is eternity in heaven or hell. There is no middle ground. The life that we live in this world determines if we would spend eternity in heaven or in hell.

    As it is, I am not worried about dying. I have surrendered my life to Christ. Though far from perfect, I do strive to live a life that pleases Jesus for He redeemed me from the pits of sin, depression, failures, shame and many other such. He showed me abundant of grace when all I deserved is punishment. Yes, He did discipline me, but I saw His love and gentleness in that disciplining, while He could have zapped me with lightning. I am ready to spend eternity with Jesus if He would take me today. I saw the glorious smile on my mom’s face after she left. I saw the grace He showed her by being so faithful to her. But yet, whenever I hear such stories of people leaving too soon, it affects me much. Though I am not afraid of entering into eternity today, what worries me is awaiting the unknown. Everyone has trials awaiting. For everyone it is a different kind. The mystery of what is going to be our lot is what worries me. But, as always, God is faithful because He has promised that His grace is sufficient. He has promised that He is the author and finisher of my faith. No one of this world are capable of keeping promises. There is one and only promise keeper and that is Jesus.

    No guilt in life, no fear in death
    This is the power of Christ in me
    From life’s first cry to final breath
    Jesus commands my destiny

    No power of hell, no scheme of man
    Can ever pluck me from His hand
    Till He returns or calls me home
    Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

    1 Thessalonians 4:13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

    My faith is in Jesus to finish this race in Him. I cannot do this on my own. Jesus is faithful as He doesn’t ask me to somehow make it on my own. He runs right beside me, picks me up when I fall down, cheers me and sees me through till I finish this race. I do not know what kind of trial I will face and when my finish line would show up, but I trust in Him as I run this race.

    1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.


    Taste and say

    John 2:8 And Jesus said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast”.

    The first ever miracle Jesus did was at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus and His disciples were invited for the wedding. Blessed wedding to have Jesus at the wedding. Yet there was a lack at the wedding. They ran out of wine for the guests. In the Jewish tradition, that was a huge disgrace for the hosts. As Mary, Jesus’ mother reported this to Him, He asked her, “What does your concern have to do with Me?”. Yet He does what His character is – Jehovah Jirah, the provider.

    There were six water pots of stone kept outside, as per the purification manner of the Jews, to wash their feet before they enter inside. So obviously, the water pots did not have any other greater purpose. Perhaps the pots were not frequently cleansed. Perhaps the inside of the pots had sediments of dirt because the purpose of it is not for drinking, but for merely washing people’s feet. Perhaps the pots had not been moved around since they were placed there and had only one purpose to serve the dirty feet of people. Perhaps the water was just some ordinary water, which could not be used for drinking purpose. In an ideal day, the Jews who had so many cleanliness traditions would not have consumed this water even by mistake.

    Jesus is the Master of using those who are despised and valueless in people’s eyes. He asks the servants to fill these pots with water. And they filled it to the brim. No one had experienced the miracles of Jesus yet, but they obeyed Him. Jesus did not say any prayer or speak any miracle over the water. He just said, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast”. The master of the feast exclaimed that the bridegroom had saved the best wine for later. Amazing change in purpose from dirty water to the best wine because of the intervention of Jesus. The taste of the wine was so good that no one inquired about its origin. We might be very ordinary people with very ordinary purpose. But when we yield to Jesus, our destiny is transformed and surpasses our origin.

    Psalm 34:8 Oh, Taste and see that the LORD is good. The wine had to be taken and served to the master of the feast before he could taste. Unless God in His mercy gives us opportunities to taste His goodness, we only hear of His goodness from His Word and from others. Those who did not come for the wedding never got to taste such amazing wine. They only got to hear it from others. May we seek God earnestly to give us opportunities to taste and proclaim that He truly is good. AMEN!


    Handmade with a purpose

    Mathew 25:14

    “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his servants and gave 5 talents to one, 2 to another and 1 to another, to each according to his own ability; Then he who had received the 5 talents went and traded with them, and made another 5 talents. Likewise, he who had received 2 talents gained 2 also. But he who had received 1 talent went and dug in the ground and hid his lord’s money.

    The ones who got 5 and 2 talents came and proudly shared their accomplishment of multiplying it to the lord. Their lord appreciated them and said, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord”.

    Then the one who had received one talent came and said, “Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours”.But his lord answered to him, “You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest.”

    God has blessed me with so many creative skills. I work in Corporate for a living. I also love to do various stuff in my free time. My days would seem incomplete if not for these hobbies. I love to do watercolor arts with verses on greeting cards, bookmarks, wall arts. I also make jewelries. Recently I even tried some jewelries with resin. I make crochet caps and scarfs too.

    I have a big and desperate desire to make use of these skills for God’s purpose. I have this deep desire to support some missionary work which proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who do not know Him. Everyday I pray earnestly for God to give me a greater purpose to be useful for His Kingdom. I have spent so much of my life running after worldly things and accomplishments which are meaningless. I want to spend the rest of my life doing a greater purpose so that I can store up my treasures in heaven. Mathew 6:20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good woman are ordered by the LORD and He delights in her way.

    I have listed my handmade items in the Bonanza site. My desire is to send the profits of these sales to a sincerely done missionary work. As of now, I am very much touched by the missionary work by GEMS(Gospel Echoing Missionary Society ( in Bihar, India. Please visit my listed items in the below link.

    Kindly share your thoughts on the comment section.

    May God bless you abundantly and may each of us be used mightily for His Kingdom purpose! To Him be all glory, power and honor! Amen!.
