Saved by Grace

Christian walk is a learning till our last breath. Learning who God is, His character, His ways etc. What I learn is that everyone at some point in their life is saved by Grace. At that point we realize that we cannot live a clean life without Christ’s help. Once saved, we feel overwhelmed with gratitude towards Jesus and we strive to live a life that pleases Him. We become very mindful about doing only what He wants and to give up our desires of doing things our way. And what I learn is that there is a thin line between doing everything to please God and becoming a legalist. Soon in the process of doing things to please God, we become legalists if we are not careful. We judge others and condemn others. We soon become self-righteous. 

God has a way of fixing us. Someone whom we love, when we realize that they cannot make the cut of the righteous living and yet we desperately want them to be accepted and approved by God. What can we do? We can only live our life in a way that is pleasing to God. We can’t live the life of others for them. That is when we realize the basic of the Cross of Calvary- Saved by Grace and not by the works. When Grace is the only thing that can make someone to be approved by God, we hold on to the feet of Grace. Till then we feel content with our striving to please God, but now Grace holds lot more value. Aren’t we grateful to God for making it so easy for us?

 If we are to be saved by works, then how much work is good enough to make the cut? Jesus gave Grace for free. Paid in Full on the Cross. 

Romans 4:5-8 But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works:“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven,And whose sins are covered;Blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute sin.”

Thankfully Grace is for everyone who realizes that they cannot make it without Grace. The thief on the cross – received the privilege of being with Jesus in paradise purely by grace. The prodigal son – covered with the robe of righteousness. The tax collector – approved by heaven. In fact, the ones who cannot make the cut according the world’s eyes are the ones who are actually making the cut – by Grace. Thanking Jesus for His wonderful work on the cross! Amen! 


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