My Kids’ bathroom

Today is the day before thanksgiving and I took the day off from work. Not long back, I used to be so addicted to work and could never enjoy a day off without thinking about work. Now by God’s grace, I am delivered from work addiction. I work sincerely during the work hours. But on my days off, I keep work off my mind and day. So unusually, I started cleaning the house right from morning on.

I have two boys – one teen and one tween. I am not that incredibly responsible kind of mom. I grew up as the only child to my parents. I never did any much chores while growing up. And once I had my own family, I got to learn on my own. Somehow, I didn’t want my kids to end up not knowing to do any chores. Also probably because I am a lazy kind of mom, I got them to do some of the stuff on their own, like washing their plates after eating, washing and folding their laundry, taking the trash out etc. In a way that relieves me from so many such responsibilities, which probably I will not be very diligent in keeping up. It is definitely a great idea to teach them the basic work for their survival. One chore my kids had a late start on is cleaning their bathroom. I didn’t have the stamina to handle their whining if I asked them to start cleaning, so I kept continuing to clean their bathroom. I would feel so frustrated seeing the way they leave the sink and the entire bathroom so filthy. A few months back, I had enough and I put down a schedule for the kids to take turn every 2 weeks and clean their bathroom. I demonstrated once to them and from next time, they were expected to do on their own.

I would stay away from checking their bathroom as I didn’t want to end up cleaning again. Today, the day before thanksgiving, as I took a peep into their bathroom and honestly I was amazed. Their bathroom actually was clean, lot cleaner than I have ever seen before. I just saw a toothpaste cover, deodorant protector covers etc still sitting on the sink. I couldn’t help but appreciate them and told them that as I am happy to see this, I will do a complimentary cleaning.

That got me to think that how our spiritual walk also needs a constant check and cleaning. Previously, when left unattended, their bathroom gets cleaned after it gets lot unclean. Once they started being consist in cleaning, the easier it got each time, as there is less filth piled up. If we would constantly do self-analysis comparing with the Word of God, the lesser sin gets piled up. Constant repentance helps us have a cleaner relationship with Jesus.

Psalm 139:23,24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Why do Christians who follow and believe in Jesus talk about sin all the time? For the world who is busy living their lives trying to make more and more money, increase their status in the world and climb up the ladders of power, it would seem strange and idiotic when Christians speak about sin and repentance all the time. We all know one fact that will happen to everyone who lives in this world – one day death will meet every single one of us. Can we take any of the above mentioned things with us? NO. When we plan so much for a mere vacation we take in this world, making sure we know where we will stay, the whereabouts of the place, where we should go and what we should do, should we not know what happens when our life in this world ends?

Psalm 144:4 Man is like a breath; His days are like a passing shadow.

Does this not sound true? In Mathematics, whether we like it or not, have we all not come across how the mathematicians prove theorems? A theorem is a result that has been proved to be true. Bible is the Word of God which is proved to be true. From the first page till the last page, every Word is God breathed. And we have the privilege to read it, learn it, most importantly follow it – only till we have our breath. Once our breath stops, the timer stops and then the eternity is determined by whether we chose to walk by the Word of God or not. In this age of technology, the Word of God is at everyone’s finger’s reach. May we not take for granted the greatest privilege God has given us – His Word and His Son Jesus who died on the cross for our sins! AMEN!


3 thoughts on “My Kids’ bathroom”

  1. Yes, so true Shiny! We need to search our hearts as the psalmist says and we need the cleansing of our hearts! I was encouraged through your writing.. As a mother and a neat freak I can relate to what you are saying..?

  2. This is deep Shiny. Yes, daily sanctification is much needed in our spiritual lives. Thanks for this beautiful writing!!

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