If Only

Israelites saw so many mighty miracles from God’s hand. They witnessed the ten plagues that devastated the Egyptians, the tenth plague robbing the firstborn of Egyptians and their animals. Then Israelites saw the Red Sea part and drown the Egyptians who chased them. Israelites were fed by manna from heaven every day without having to labor for it, and so on and so forth.

Even after witnessing God’s faithfulness, they complained to Moses, because they began to crave other food than manna. They started to wail and cry, saying, “If only we had meat to eat!”. They craved the food they ate in Egypt – fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, garlic, etc. They began to despise the manna which rained from heaven.

When Moses heard the cries of the people, he got frustrated and complained to God about having to lead these ungrateful people and asked God to kill him instead. The LORD became exceedingly angry towards the people. He told Moses to tell the people to consecrate themselves to prepare for the next day to eat the meat that the LORD would provide. The LORD will now provide meat and they will eat it not just for one or two days, but for one whole month – until they are fed up with the meat. The LORD was angry because they rejected Him and said, “Why did we ever leave Egypt?”.

Moses said to the LORD, “I have 600,000 men on foot. How do you say that You will give them meat for one whole month? Will there be enough flocks and herds to slaughter? Will it be enough if we catch all the fish in the sea for their food?”.

The LORD answered Moses, “Is the LORD’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.” Numbers 11:23

Now a wind went out from the LORD and drove quail from the sea. It scattered over the camps of the Israelites. The land was filled with quail and it was within their reach to catch them. Each of them gathered so many of the quails. They cooked them and while they started to eat, while the meat was still between their teeth, the LORD struck them with a severe plague. There they buried the people who had craved other food.

We see the faithfulness of God and the ungratefulness of people. Often we are just like the Israelites. No matter how many miracles we see God do in our lives, we often doubt His power when we face difficult situations. We often wonder if God can fix that situation. If God could part the Red Sea and make a way if He could feed the Israelites every day for forty years with manna raining from heaven if He could quench their cravings for meat by providing quails for 600000 men for one whole month, is there anything that is impossible for Him? NOTHING. The LORD’s arm is not short. His arm is mighty to do anything that He desires.

Psalm 16:5,6 O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.


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