Fishy Expedition

After taking a break from doing any gardening or outdoor activities for the past two years, I felt very eager to get back to it. That included keeping fish in a barrel with a lily plant. Though I was going to be out of town for more than 20 days, I still went ahead and bought the lily plant and 3 goldfish. The goldfish is cheap to buy, just around 30 cents each and so their life seemed so worthless as if it didn’t matter even if they died. I fed them every day till I left on my trips.

I had no hope that they would survive till I got back home as I was going to be away for almost a month. When I came back, I continued to feed for a couple of days but I did not see any signs of these fish in the water. They never came to the top of the barrel. The water was murky and with algae and so it was impossible to see them. So I believed that they all had died and hence stopped feeding them. Though I had no reason to believe that they were alive, I kept saying a small prayer that they would come to the top so I could see them. And one day, they did come to the top as if a miracle. I saw just two of them. I felt very happy that they were alive. Now I thought the third one must have surely died. I now kept praying that one day all three would come up together. And that happened too. One rainy morning as I looked through the window, all three of the fishes were on the top. I felt incredibly happy that my small insignificant prayers were answered. From then on, I started to take better care of them.

I noticed a few things in this. The first time we tried goldfish in clean water, they all died. But even in this dirty algae-filled water, they survived fine, and still, they didn’t lose their beautiful orange color. Even when their lives seemed worthless, God still kept them alive, just as He feeds the birds of the sky.

Luke 12:6 Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.

Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.”


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