Do not deny bread

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Gideon and his three hundred men were exhausted but kept pursuing their enemies and crossed the Jordan. He said to the men of Sukkoth, ” Give my troops some bread; they are worn out as I am still pursuing the kings of Midian”. But the officials of Sukkoth mocked them and replied, “Do you already have the hands of the Midian kings? Why should we give bread to your troops?”. Gideon replied angrily, “When the LORD has given the Midian kings into my hand, I will tear your flesh with desert thorns”. From there, he went to Peniel and asked its men the same. They also replied just as the men of Sukkoth and refused to give them bread. Gideon challenged that he will tear down their towers. As God was with Gideon, he pursued and captured the kings of Midian and killed them. And while returning, he did just as he challenged the above two cities.

Today people might not come to our door asking for bread or food. But we are surrounded by people who go through various crisis situations. The bread that we can offer to them is the bread that brings them hope, the bread that lifts up their spirit. Even the great prophet Elijah when he was on the verge of giving up on life and slept under a tree, the angel brought him food, twice.

When someone feels exhausted with their situations, may we not further weaken their spirit by adding our versions of discouragements. We need to remember that we represent a God for whom anything is possible – the God who raised Lazarus four days after his death, the God who fed the Israelites for forty years in the wilderness, the God who parted the Red Sea to make a way for His children, so on and so forth. Our God hears the cries of the people whom He created – even the wicked and the disobedient ones. Israelites, His chosen and yet rebellious ones, are the perfect examples. God has a great reputation for showing up on time, though many a time, it would seem late to us.

Peninnah taunted Hannah day in and day out. But when God heard Hannah’s cries, there was no room for taunting words anymore. Hagar despised Sarah. But when God remembered Sarah, there was no more room for Hagar to despise her. Sennacherib taunted the Israelites with his blasphemous and discouraging words, but when God killed his mighty army, there was no more room for his taunts. Whenever Jesus was approached by people who were in need of healing, He expected just one thing from them – believe that He can. So when people around us grow weary in their journey, may we be the ones who offer the bread of encouragement to them.


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