Brevity of life

I feel extremely saddened by the news of the passing away of a crochet Youtuber. Around 5 years back, when I was without job for couple months, I signed up for a crochet class in Joann craft store. It was a three hours session. I wanted to quit in 30 minutes as I could not keep up with the learning. By the time I got home after three hours session, I was clueless on what I learnt. I decided to check the YouTube to see if I can learn following any easy tutorials. That is when I came across this beautiful and passionate Youtuber. I loved how she did the tutorial. I followed that video and made a cap. I loved to watch so many of her videos and quickly learned to make so many patterns of caps and scarves.

I remember her announcing about diagnosis of a rare kind of cancer. Even saw her videos of getting treatment and such. I felt extremely shocked when yesterday her husband posted in Facebook that she went to be with the Lord. Over the time, I had watched several crochet Youtubers, but about her, I knew that she was a believer of Jesus. So I felt much saddened by this news. Her husband also had posted a picture from her last days. Instantly reminded me of my mother who went to be with the Lord in February of 2021. My mother also was diagnosed with cancer and in a few months, she also had lost so much weight and by the time I got to see her, she was very thin and fragile.

Though I do not know this lady more than through her videos, I did know that she was a believer. I just felt so deeply saddened to hear the news of her passing away. She finished her race in Christ. She is free from all the pain and sufferings of this sickness.

Be it a loved one or be it even someone whom we don’t know personally, death is a very real happening. This life is short and this world is not our home and eternity is extremely long. Most people don’t like to think about death or talk about it, yet it is a very real thing. We see the reality of it more than ever during this pandemic. Truth, whether we like to believe or not, is that we all are running towards a finish line, aren’t we? For some, the finish line is decades away. For some, the finish line pops up right in front as least expected. For some, the finish line is so unpredictable. For some, the finish line is just a matter of any time. One thing common is that we are all running towards a finish line after which is eternity in heaven or hell. There is no middle ground. The life that we live in this world determines if we would spend eternity in heaven or in hell.

As it is, I am not worried about dying. I have surrendered my life to Christ. Though far from perfect, I do strive to live a life that pleases Jesus for He redeemed me from the pits of sin, depression, failures, shame and many other such. He showed me abundant of grace when all I deserved is punishment. Yes, He did discipline me, but I saw His love and gentleness in that disciplining, while He could have zapped me with lightning. I am ready to spend eternity with Jesus if He would take me today. I saw the glorious smile on my mom’s face after she left. I saw the grace He showed her by being so faithful to her. But yet, whenever I hear such stories of people leaving too soon, it affects me much. Though I am not afraid of entering into eternity today, what worries me is awaiting the unknown. Everyone has trials awaiting. For everyone it is a different kind. The mystery of what is going to be our lot is what worries me. But, as always, God is faithful because He has promised that His grace is sufficient. He has promised that He is the author and finisher of my faith. No one of this world are capable of keeping promises. There is one and only promise keeper and that is Jesus.

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

1 Thessalonians 4:13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

My faith is in Jesus to finish this race in Him. I cannot do this on my own. Jesus is faithful as He doesn’t ask me to somehow make it on my own. He runs right beside me, picks me up when I fall down, cheers me and sees me through till I finish this race. I do not know what kind of trial I will face and when my finish line would show up, but I trust in Him as I run this race.

1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.


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