Back to the trail

Today is December 31st – the last day of the year. I came across an article about a hiker lady in her 60s who was hiking thru the Appalachian trail which is considered an extremely challenging route. The hiking started well with another hiking partner. But due to circumstances, her hiking partner had to return back and this lady continued by herself. One day, as she stepped off the trail into the woods, she got lost. As she desperately tried to get back to the trail, she went in circles deeper into the woods. She tried to get help in whatever ways she could, by leaving trails of her stuff, tying her blanket on the tree for attention, and such. As her husband didn’t hear from her as expected, teams were dispatched to find her. Even when she saw and screamed for help as she saw helicopters, they could not see her through the thick trees. She grew physically exhausted and mentally weak. She completely ran out of food too. Finally, she wrote a final note to whoever would find her to inform her husband and daughter and to hand over her things to them. She was found 2 years later, as a skeleton inside her sleeping bag in her tent. Such a heart-wrenching story! 

I do not know anything much about hiking. But as I read through the comments, there were several tips people had posted that a hiker is expected to be aware of. If they step off the trail to relieve themselves, tie a rope to the tree in the trail and then take the rope with them inside the woods so they can get back to the trail without getting lost, keep a satellite phone and so many such tips. As I read through these comments, I wondered if this lady went into such an extremely challenging trip underprepared?! 

I couldn’t help but think of how an earthly hiking trip can go so wrong when attempted underprepared, how about the journey towards eternity? Like this hiking trip, are we underprepared without the knowledge of The Way, The Truth, and the Life – Jesus? John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.  Like this lady who did not have a phone that can connect through satellite regardless of the deep woods where she was, are we trying to live and find our way out without knowing how to connect with God Almighty who is the only One who can take us out of any deep situations?  Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. And He alone is the promise keeper. May we hold on to Him who has promised us to lead our way till eternity with Him. 

Hebrews 12:2

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 


2 thoughts on “Back to the trail”

    1. Thank you so much, Jenny! I felt deeply moved by this incident and couldn’t help but think from this point of view.

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