A puppet

I am a puppet in God’s hands. I delight in being a puppet in God’s hands. I am not a lifeless puppet. I am a living puppet, with emotions, strong willpower, rebellion, and so on and so forth. I have tasted and seen that my God is good and faithful and there is no one like Him. Pleasing God in everything is my only priority because I love Him with my everything. I have no words to explain how good He is to me! John 15:10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love. My only desire is to obey God in everything that He tells me and to praise Him all my life.

Why do I consider myself a puppet in God’s hands? Not always do I “hear” God. Sometimes, I hear Him speak in my thoughts, though with no audible voice, I can hear Him loud enough to catch my attention. Whatever He says would align with His character which is mentioned in the Bible. One such thing would be, “While you are waiting for me to come through in your situation, why don’t you pray for others?”. I instantly understood that was the LORD and started to pray for others, even though my own situation was like a flat tire. These are situations where I could hear Him clearly.

But there are also a lot of times when I don’t hear any instructions, but, initiating a text with someone or a conversation about a topic with someone would result in encouraging and lifting up their spirits. I have felt so overjoyed to hear that from them. Because even I would feel amazed by how I did those things without knowing anything about their situations. My prayer to God is, “Lord, use me. Anytime when someone needs an encouraging word to lift up their spirits, please remember me. Please pull the strings of my heart as a puppet to accomplish what You would want through me. Here I am, O Lord. Use me”.

I know how lonely the pits of depression and loneliness and failures and humiliations can be. I have been there for long enough to know how painful and hopeless that can be. But, my God took me out of that with His nail-pierced hands for a reason. He lighted my candle when I was in the dark. So I want to light the candles of others who are in the dark. Keep my candle going, O Lord. Help me to be the candle that draws people to Jesus. Amen! Hallelujah!


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