Quite a flight!

In 20 years of flying we had quite an experience this time as we traveled to India. Our destination airport is Trivandrum and as the pilot tried to land in midst of heavy rain and a passing storm, he couldn’t land it. He circled around for 45 minutes and then headed to Cochin airport. The scariest part was that we experienced the flight dropping, wasn’t like turbulence but like rollercoaster drops – 4 times. He did that to bring it down around 8000 feet altitude it seems, ofcourse we poor passengers wouldn’t know that. It was scary and people started to scream because it felt like airplane was going to fall. I screamed “Yesuve(Jesus)” the first two times . That’s a very valuable lesson Amma had taught me as I used to scream “amma” in sudden frights. But Amma would always scream “Yesuve(Jesus)”. She told me not to call her as she can’t do anything even if I called her but told me to call Jesus as Only He can help me no matter the situation. After screaming Yesuve twice, I held my family’s hands and I started to pray in my heart. I said Lord I am still waiting on things You have said and this cannot be our end. The plane landed fine in Cochin but the fear of landing came into me and others too. After about an hour they took us back to Trivandrum as weather was better with light rain. And from around 7000 feet the pilot again started to take it upwards and imagine our thoughts!
I started to sing “in heavenly armor we’ll enter the land, the battle belongs to the Lord”. This song has been my deliverance song in multiple situations. And truly, I started to feel such peace and deliverance happening and the flight landed safely. This time the pilot had to take it up because of not getting signal to land but ofcourse, we poor passengers didn’t know that. Truly reminded me of the hundreds of times we take the flights and the take offs and the landing experiences for granted. I remember the times I had been sleeping peacefully during take offs and landings. Thanking God for His unfailing protection. See the runway picture from the screen in front of me as we were landing. I was truly amazed. I have never seen the runway lit up like a cross. The battle belongs to the LORD. Amen!


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