The ordaining hands of God!

As we grow in our relationship with God, we understand the character and the heart of our Almighty God and God opens our eyes to see how He ordains each happening in our lives.

Along with the other beautiful women, Esther was also taken to the King’s palace. Let us see the order of events that happened to understand the ordaining wisdom of our Almighty God.

  1. Esther, instantly got favor in the custodian’s eyes. She got special favor in the King’s eyes too. Without second thoughts, the King made her the queen. God gives special favor for His children.
  2. Mordecai discovered the plot against the King and reports it to Esther. Esther informs the King in Mordecai’s name. She did not take credit for informing the plot. She gave the credit to Mordecai for whom it was due.
  3. Haman – an Amalakite – received the highest honor next to the King. The King himself had commanded that everyone including the royal officials at the King’s gate should bow down or kneel down and pay respect to Haman. Amalakites were God’s enemies whom God desired to eradicate from the face of earth. Mordecai obeyed God by not bowing down before His enemies. Standing up for God demands us to take sharp turns towards God. Mordecai did the right thing by saving the King’s life, but when a choice had to be made between obeying the King’s command and God’s command, he chose to obey God.
  4. Because of the anger Haman had against Mordecai, he tricks the King to sign a decree against the Jews.
  5. Hearing this news, Mordecai wore sack cloth and wailed as he went to the King’s gate and conveys the news to Esther and asks her to plead to the King for mercy. He reminded her that God will save His people one way or the other. It is her choice to be part of saving His children.
  6. Esther asks her people for a fasting prayer and then takes action. She risks her life and goes to the King. God gives favor in the King’s eyes again.
  7. God put His wisdom in her request to the King. Instead of asking for mercy, she invites the King and Haman for a dinner.
  8. Haman, instead of rejoicing about the special dinner invite, is consumed with anger over Mordecai and makes gallows for Mordecai.
  9. Because of God’s ordaining hands, that night, the King could not sleep. He asks for the book of good deeds to be read and finds out about Mordecai’s good deed. In the mean time, Haman comes to the courts to request for death sentence for Mordecai – as if eradicating the entire community of Jews is not enough.
  10. God’s divine intervention causes all honor which was recommended by Haman ,to be given to Mordecai. To Haman’s extreme humiliation, all honor was done to Mordecai by Haman himself.
  11. Hearing this, Haman’s wife and friends realize that Haman’s downfall has started and that God of Israel will protect His children.
  12. Esther reveals the plot of Haman to the King on the next day. Haman was hung to death in the same gallows that he prepared for Mordecai.

Take aways:-

  1. Do the right thing in God’s eyes – even if we have to do it all by ourselves.
  2. God will surely defend His children, when we take a stand for Him.
  3. God’s wisdom thwarts the crooked wisdom of His enemies.
  4. Allow God to write your story. He writes the best story for His children who obeys Him.


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