My Calendar

Psalm 31:15 My times are in Your hand;

I surrender my life’s calendar unto God’s hands. We love to control the happenings of our lives, don’t we? We convey our requests to God to approve our plans and agendas that are thought through by us. When God opens our eyes to see how He ordains the happenings in our lives, we are filled with faith to surrender everything unto His hands that ordains everything so perfectly. 

At the end of 2019, I was without projects. God gave me two verses to hold on to as I was waiting on Him. When I asked the Lord, if my family was going to suffer financially, He gave me the verse, 

1 Kings 17:16 For thus says the LORD God of Israel:’The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth’.

I held on to this Word and continued to wait in faith. A month went by, still did not get any project. My faith started to run dry. Then I asked, “Lord, will I have to leave this place with my head down?”. The Lord gave me another verse, Isaiah 52:12 But you will not leave in haste. 

When God gave me these two verses, I held on to them. Just as He promised, He gave me a project by the end of the third month. I did not feel a bit happy about that project. So I cried to God for days, questioning why He would put me on such a project after such a wait. Then He helped me to understand that He does everything for His glory and my good. Slowly my heart started to accept the place where God placed me regardless of my dislikes. 

So unexpectedly, that contract ended after 5 months. And I was in a spot to find another role.. again! Within two weeks, I was confirmed for a role, which was even worse than the previous one. This was the worst of all! I couldn’t understand why God would take me from bad to worse. Soon after starting that role, I understood the reason why God put me in that unpleasant role. One thing was that God wanted to teach me some lessons and straighten me out as I had some attitudes that had to be fixed. The second reason was that during the pandemic, God gave me an opportunity to help the people who lost their jobs due to the shutdown. I thanked God for the opportunity and worked there, till God miraculously took me out from there at His time and placed me on another project. 

He kept me there for two years. And after that, when I least expected, the contract got terminated abruptly .. again! I felt so shaken when this happened but soon God helped me to understand why this happened. Now as I see the seasons that happen in my life, God helps me understand. Though I don’t understand what would happen next, I wait patiently on God yet again, as He has never failed me. Also, I now understand that nothing that happens is about me rather everything is about Him. 

So now, rather than pushing my agenda to Him for approval, I surrender my entire calendar unto Him. May He fill my calendar with whatever He wants to accomplish through me. Amen!!


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