Hidden fingers

Sarah could not conceive, while Hagar did.

Rachel could not conceive, while Leah did.

Hannah could not conceive, while Peninnah did.

If God had not intervened in these women’s situations. they would have just died in their misery, with no one to rescue them. What could they do anything about it? NOTHING. Who could question God about their situations? No one!

Isaiah 64:8 But now, O LORD, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand.

It was God who had closed the wombs of these women. People around them could not see God’s hand which kept their wombs closed. So they taunted these women with pointed fingers. But when God’s appointed time came for these women, He did open their wombs and rewarded them for their painful wait. He rewarded them with special children, who were not simply ordinary children. Sarah gave birth to Isaac when she was ninety years old, giving us all hope that it is never too late for God to save us from our misery in any situation. Rachel gave birth to Joseph, who was sent ahead of time to Egypt so that the covenant of God could be preserved during the time of famine. Hannah gave birth to Samuel who served as the prophet who anointed the Kings of Israel.

Has God put you on a wait? He has a special blessing for you to compensate your waiting time! Just as how these women could not do anything to change their situation on their own, I mean, simply nothing, we might also be in situations where we can do nothing about them. There is nothing we can do except wait upon God and look toward His merciful hand. We go through the process of pointed fingers by people too. That is part of the journey. Though it can be daunting, considering that we cannot do anything to change our situation, we endure patiently. Because our God is our vindicator.

God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac who was born when he was a hundred years old. If God had not stopped Abraham who was obedient with no wavering, what would have happened to Abraham for the rest of his life? Pointed fingers.

Merciful Father in heaven spared Isaac, spared Abraham, and took it on Himself when He chose to send His own son, Jesus, instead to be sacrificed on the cross of Calvary.

Psalm 30:5 Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Psalm 26:1 Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the LORD; I shall not slip.

Romans 8:32 He(The Father) who did not spare His own Son(Jesus), but delivered Him(Jesus) up for us all, how shall He(Father) not with Him(Jesus) also freely give us all things?


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