A tribute to Ruth

As I wrap up 2021, I am amazed and overwhelmed by the happenings in this year. In 2020, I did a role for a few months to help the people impacted by the covid situation in our country and I came across a believer coworker, Elizabeth. As we were all asked to introduce ourselves, we were asked to answer the question “What did we miss due to social distancing?”. Elizabeth was the only person who answered that she missed church and hugs. Her answer caught my attention because mentioning church or God in corporate is not easy. In the next couple days, we were able to talk to each other in relation to the job and we made an instant connection just as it happens when believers connect. In that role, we encouraged each other by even sharing Bible verses that uplifted our spirit for each day. This was a very difficult role for us. Once she got to exit from this role, she decided to retire. We still stayed in touch over text and phone calls.

One day she mentioned that she was traveling through Chicago and if we could meet. By God’s grace, we met at a fast-food place and we talked for an hour. It was an amazing God-centered conversation. At the time, Elizabeth showed pictures of her sister, Ruth. This was around the same time when I was going through some very difficult times with my dad, after my mom went to be with the LORD in February. As I poured out my burdens to God, I felt Him say, “You give your concerns to Me and you continue to do what I have asked you to do”. A year back, when I desperately needed a project at work, He had told me to pray for others while I am waiting on Him to give me a project. And in those days, the only places where I saw God’s hands were when I prayed for others so I prayed more and more for others. So when Elizabeth showed the living conditions of Ruth, my heart was instantly touched and the images just stayed in my mind. So from then on, Ruth had become the first name in my prayer list and I, by God’s grace, diligently prayed for her salvation and for being a vessel for God’s glory. I am grateful to God for teaching me to be diligent and consistent in praying for friends this year.

On Dec 24th, I got a text from Elizabeth saying that Ruth had died the previous day. I felt indescribably shocked by the news. My first question to God was, “Did my prayers even matter?”. Because I had been praying that she would be saved and also she would share the gospel with others who are in similar situation. So to hear that she passed away was hard for me to digest. Later when I talked to Elizabeth, she mentioned that how two weeks before her death, Ruth had mentioned in a conversation about a tornado destruction that she is a Christian woman and that she is ok to leave this life when her time comes. I felt touched by those words and in the coming days, God gave me so much peace regarding Ruth. I looked back and I saw how God brought her story to me. There are billions of people in this world. God brings certain people into our path. If not for God, I would not have even known Elizabeth or Ruth. God connected the dots in an amazing way and when her story was brought to my ears, He worked in my heart to pray for her. I felt so content that I did the part that God gave me to do.

He also taught me lessons through this. 1) the importance of accepting Jesus as our Savior is the one and only way to heaven 2) to have ears that are aligned to His heart and a heart to be obedient to His instruction 3) to pray for the salvation of everyone whom He puts in our path 4) to not instruct God on how He should answer my prayer, but to leave it to His higher ways.

Isaiah 45:9 Shall the clay say to him who forms it, “What are you making?”

Isaiah 64:8 But now, O LORD, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand.

As an answer to my question, I came across this teaching of Jesus.

Luke 17:7 And which of you, having a servant plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and sit down to eat’? 8. But will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare something for my supper, and gird yourself and serve me till I have eaten and drunk, and afterward you will eat and drink’?. 9. Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I think not. 10 So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do”.

Salvation belongs to the LORD. His ways are higher for us to understand. Our times are in His mighty hands. I have never met Ruth in person. But I am hoping by the redeeming grace of Jesus that one day when I go to heaven, Ruth will also be one of them who would welcome me. I am grateful to God for giving me the privilege to pray for Ruth. I am surrendering myself to be an obedient vessel to be instructed by Him to pray for more and more of His children. AMEN!


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